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We work hard to raise public awareness of kidney disease and related issues.
We also raise awareness about Organ Donation and it's impacts on transplant waiting lists.
We participate in World Kidney Day promoting kidney health.
We co-ordinate and support patient information events together with the Gloucetsershire Royal Hospital Multi-disciplinary Team.
We provide information to patients and their families about the journey they may need to take.
Providing support and advice for patients and their carers across Gloucestershire.
Working closely with hospital staff to improve hospital conditions for kidney patients.
We purchase equipment not otherwise provided by the NHS, for Gloucestershire Renal Units and for patients on home dialysis.
We offer practical advice for patients on, or about to experience, home and hospital dialysis.
We organise and support yearly rest-bite breaks for kidney patients.
Become a member of Gloucestershire Kidney Patient Association (GKPA).
It is free to join! Open to application from Patients, Family Members or Patient Support applicants.
Become an occasional volunteer to help with our events and activities.
Assist us in funding, we are always looking for fresh ideas and direction.
Have your own sponsored or funding raising events for us.
Make a donation supporting GKPA.